Pastor Lukau’s ‘resurrection’ stunt sees accused pair remain behind bars

April 17, 2019

Johannesburg – Two suspects face charges of fraud related to the fake “resurrection” incident in which a Zimbabwean man known as Brighton Moyo, who was in a coffin, was filmed “rising from the dead” during a church service led by Pastor Alph Lukau.

Silungisan Grace Sibanda, 40, and Nkululeko Dlamini, 35, appeared in the Johannesburg Magistrate’s Court on Wednesday, where they were told they will have to remain in jail until their next appearance on April 26. 

“The State needs to verify the citizenship status of one of the suspects. His South African ID has one name while his passport has another name,” the State Prosecutor Mzamo Mathe said. The pair were arrested last month.

Brighton Elliot Moyo’s miracle resurrection took place in February at Pastor Lakau’s Alleluia Ministries. A video of the event went viral. 

Meanwhile SA police said they were still looking for Moyo, even though reports from Zimbabwe said weeks after the SA resurrection he died in his home town. Members of the Alleluia International Ministries were conspicuous by their absence at the court.