Pastor Alph Lukau biblically defends resurrection miracle

March 2, 2019
| Report Focus News

Pastor Alph Lukau biblically defended the resurrection miracle that happened at his church last Sunday. Speaking during a live service held on Friday at Alleluia Ministries International church in Sandton, Johannesburg he expounded on resurrection citing several biblical examples.

Watch the video below

Pastor Lukau and Alleluia Ministries International came under immense criticism after the resurrection miracle went viral on social media platforms and in the news media.

The Citizen newspaper was forced to retract a news report after they had falsely reported that Alleluia Ministries International cameraman was the man in the coffin.
“This is my spiritual son who has served in our media department for many years. He is not the man who was in the coffin as reported by The Citizen and various media houses.” Said Pastor Lukau.
The Citizen issued a retraction on 1 March 2019 acknowledging the false news.

Pastor Alph Lukau came out resolute standing firm on his faith and belief in miracles. He articulated the scriptures well and gave ample examples of resurrections that are recorded in the Holy Bible.

He called on true believing Christians not to be ashamed of standing up for Jesus Christ. “This generation needs to raise people with crazy faith, people who believe that with God nothing is impossible.” He said.

He deplored Christian leaders who profess faith but deny miracle, he castigated those who seek to please man but displeased God. Some pastors distanced themselves from the resurrection miracle while, some chose to aggressively confront pastor Lukau, but the leader of Alleluia Ministries chose to focus on progressing the work of God.

Indeed, God expects that church leaders promote peace and not violence. The gospel promotes love and not hate. Pastor Alph Lukau has dealt with accusations and attacks from other ministries and church leaders and one can only marvel at his grace and calmness amidst it all. He has demonstrated a level of maturity and dignity that is required of a church leader.

Church leaders are expected to walk in integrity and holiness and to promote by example a lifestyle that is pleasing to God and is in obedience to His word. Pastor Alph Lukau is a rare breed with exceptional leadership qualities.