Business and churches want Jacob Zuma out

August 6, 2017

FutureSA says the level of opposition being shown to Zuma is a reminder that South Africans remember the impact of people’s power.

Future South Africa’s (FutureSA) call for a national day of no confidence on August 8 is rapidly gaining momentum with new organisations and patrons coming on board on a daily basis to support the campaign to get rid of President Jacob Zuma, the organisation said on Saturday.

The level of opposition being shown to Zuma was a vivid reminder that South Africans remembered the impact of people’s power and were prepared to take to the streets whenever necessary to ensure the people’s views were heard, FutureSA said in a statement.

The national day of no confidence – with a 12 noon to 2pm shutdown on August 8 –  had received support from the South African Council of Churches (SACC), the Federation of Unions of South Africa (Fedusa), the South African Federation of Trade Unions (Saftu), and Business Leadership South Africa (BLSA). As a result, representatives of business, labour, and faith-based groups were now united in their partnership with civil society to demand that Zuma must go.

“We welcome the statement by BLSA encouraging its members to ‘give employees who wish to participate in the protest an opportunity to do so’, and their view that workers who wish to participate in protests should have ‘no loss of income or benefits, and without the need to apply for leave’,” the statement said.

“We similarly welcome the report of the SACC calling for a weekend of prayer and reflection around issues of state capture, as well as Fedusa’s statement calling for its members to participate in action on 8 August, and Cosatu’s [Congress of South African Trade Unions] support for the march initiated by ‘#UniteBehind on 7 August.”

The rolling mass action against Zuma and the call on MPs to vote him out in the parliamentary motion of no confidence would include various events:
– a weekend of prayer and reflection from August 5 to 6, with people across South Africa praying that MPs would have the wisdom to vote out Zuma;
– no confidence marches in Cape Town at 3pm on August 7 by civil society, and 9am on August 8 by opposition parties and civil society;
– a no confidence rally at 12 noon at the Johannesburg City Hall on August 8;
– a no confidence prayer service at 5pm on August 7 at Kendra Hall in Berea, Durban; and
– pickets and protests in Johannesburg, Durban, Cape Town, and other parts of South Africa, organised by FutureSA and its supporting organisations.

Those participating in action leading up to and on August 8 were encouraged to tag @Future_SA_ on Twitter and use the hashtag #NoConfidence.

Four new patrons, representing a broad range of interests, had joined FutureSA (in their individual capacities) since its launch earlier this week – Albertina Luthuli, eldest daughter of Nobel Peace Prize winner and former ANC president chief Albert Luthuli; Fedusa general secretary Dennis George; former Passenger Rail Agency of SA (Prasa) chairman Popo Molefe; and Soul City Institute CEO Lebo Ramafoko.

In addition, FutureSA and other organisations were placing advertisements in weekend newspapers calling on MPs to put their country first, and to vote in support of the motion of no confidence.

“We invite all South Africans who care about the future of their country to come out in support of FutureSA’s protests, as well as other activities in their area in support of the motion of no confidence.

“This is a unique moment in South Africa’s democratic history and we have no doubt that the people of South Africa will show unity in action in showing their objection to state capture, and their commitment to reclaim the state – for our children, and our children’s children,” the statement said.

The full list of FutureSA patrons: Sheila Sisulu, Mavuso Msimang, Kumi Naidoo, Adrian Enthoven, Prema Naidoo, Zwelinzima Vavi, Bruce Fordyce, Shauket Fakie, Giet Khoza, Wayne Duvenage, Cas Coovadia, Mosibudi Mangena, Vuyiseka Dubula, Sydney Mufamadi, Sipho Pityana, Ela Gandhi, Bonang Mohale, Terrence Nombembe, Zac Yakoob, Albertina Luthuli, Dennis George, Popo Molefe, and Lebo Ramafoko.