Mnangagwa Announces Retirement Plans Amid Zanu PF and Military Tensions

July 4, 2024
Emmerson Mnangagwa | Report Focus News
Emmerson Mnangagwa

President Emmerson Mnangagwa has announced his intention to leave office in 2028, adhering to the constitutional two-term limit. This comes amid mounting pressure from within Zanu PF and the military.

Speaking at the commissioning of a baobab fruit juice and water processing plant in Mutare, Mnangagwa said, “Our (Zanu PF) constitution says that after every five years, we go to congress….at the congress, we elect our President. The elected president is supposed to serve two 5-year terms. I served my first five years, and we went to Congress, and you re-elected me. Now I am serving my last five years, it ends soon and I will go and rest. We then go to congress to elect somebody else to step into my shoes.”

This announcement comes in the wake of the controversial “ED2030” campaign, which aimed to extend Mnangagwa’s presidency by an additional two years. The campaign faced opposition and was seen as undermining the constitution.

Mnangagwa’s decision is likely influenced by internal party dynamics and concerns over potential challenges from military elements loyal to Vice President Constantino Chiwenga, who is considered a strong contender for the presidency. Chiwenga, who led the 2017 coup that ousted former President Robert Mugabe, is seen as keen to succeed Mnangagwa.

Mnangagwa, who turns 82 soon, has faced criticism for high-level corruption, human rights abuses, election fraud, and economic mismanagement during his tenure. His administration has been accused of allowing his family and close associates to exploit national resources without facing consequences.

As Zimbabwe approaches the end of Mnangagwa’s final term, the political landscape remains uncertain, with potential shifts in power within both Zanu PF and the military.