Clerk Charged with Stealing Farming Equipment from Mugabe-Owned Company

December 21, 2022

An accounts clerk for Gushungo Holdings, a company owned by the family of the late former President Robert Mugabe, appeared in court yesterday to face charges of stealing farming equipment.

The clerk, Gerald Mupatsi (35), was granted $200,000 bail. He worked at Highfield Farm in Norton and is accused of conspiring with Jabulani Dumbura, who is currently in custody, to steal a combine harvester and head trailer from the farm on April 19.

Mupatsi allegedly sold the combine harvester to Mark Deza of Capensis Farm for $1,400, below the reserve price of $3,500 set at an auction in February, and did not provide a receipt for the sale.

The combine harvester was recovered, but Mupatsi is also accused of stealing several other farm implements worth $70,000 that have not been recovered, including a wheel-mounted water pump which he took to Mutanga in Damofalls, Norton.