South Africa voices concern over Middle East conflict

October 3, 2024
IDF tank in Lebanon Report Focus News
IDF tank in Lebanon

South Africa has expressed “grave” concern over the escalating military action in the Middle East involving Israel, Palestine, Lebanon, and Iran.

The country’s Department of International Relations and Cooperation (Dirco) has called for restraint from all parties to avoid further escalation in the region.

Dirco spokesperson Chrispin Phiri said: “The continued occupation of Palestine has denied the Palestinian people their enshrined rights of self-determination and statehood, which remains a prerequisite to restoring peace and security in the region.”

South Africa has urged the international community and the UN Security Council to address the conflict.

The government echoed concerns raised by UN Secretary-General António Guterres about “a very real danger of a devastating region-wide escalation”.

South Africa also expressed dismay at Israel’s decision to declare the UN Secretary-General persona non grata.

Mr Phiri stated: “South Africa calls on the international community to commit to uphold international law, international humanitarian law, human rights law and the purposes and principles of the United Nations Charter.”

The South African government warned that impunity for unlawful acts would perpetuate war and injustice.

This statement comes as tensions in the region continue to rise. Israel recently closed its airspace and halted air traffic at Ben Gurion International Airport following missile strikes by Iran.

Explosions have been reported across Israel, including in Jerusalem, as the situation remains volatile.