President Emmerson Mnangagwa promotes 6 Generals

January 17, 2018
Report Focus News

By Nyemudzai Kakore and Melissa Mutasa

The Commander-in-Chief of the Zimbabwe Defence Forces President Emmerson Mnangagwa has promoted six Brigadier Generals to the rank of Major General upon retirement from active service.

Report Focus News
Zimbabwe’s then acting President Emmerson Mnangagwa (L) and his wife Auxilia (R) attend the funeral ceremony of Peter Chanetsa at the National Heroes Acre in Harare, on January 7, 2017.
Former governor Peter Chanesta died on January 2, 2017. / AFP / JEKESAI NJIKIZANA (Photo credit should read JEKESAI NJIKIZANA/AFP/Getty Images)

The six are Brigadier Generals Godfrey Chanakira, Thando Madzvamuse, Evaristo Dzihwema, Chanceller Diye, Gerald Gwinji and Mike Nicholas Sango.The promotions were with effect from December 20, 2017.

The elevations are in terms of the Defence Act (Chapter 11:02) as also read with the ZDF policy on retirement of ex-combatants and founder members and also read with the ZDF retention inducement and retirement policy for active ex-combatants .

Zimbabwe Defence Forces Commander General Philip Valerio Sibanda conferred the ranks to the six at Josiah Magama Tongogara Barracks yesterday.

Speaking during the investiture ceremony General Sibanda challenged the officers to work even harder for the development of the country.

He urged them to use their vast experience for the betterment of the people around them.

“His Excellency the President and Commander in Chief of the Zimbabwe Defence Forces may on the advice of the Minister acting on the recommendation of the Commander, reward any member of the Defence Forces for distinguished service by promoting him/her to a higher rank,” he said.“I would like to congratulate you and your families for this deserved promotion. Although you are now retiring from the military, you are aware that once a soldier, always a soldier.You may be recalled if duty calls. I urge you to continue working hard and not rest on your laurels.

There are a lot of expectations both from your juniors and seniors so you should be up to the task.You have subordinates who will look up to you and also seniors who will expect a lot from you. We expect you to move with speed and always bear in mind that what you are doing you are doing it for the people.”

Recently President Mnangagwa elevated Brigadier Generals David Sigauke, John Chris Mupande and Paul Chima to the rank of Major-General.  The Chronicle