Robert Mugabe flies out

December 12, 2017
Report Focus News

Former president Robert Mugabe was expected to fly to Singapore last night for medical check-up via Malaysia where his daughter, Bona, is expecting her second child, according to Newsday.

His former spokesman George Charamba could not confirm the trip saying he is no longer in touch with the retired president.

There was no independent confirmation about whether Mugabe left or not and with whom.

Mugabe resigned from at president on 21 November following military intervention and there has been a lot of speculation about his health and relations with his wife Grace, who some blame for his ouster.

Several videos saying the former president had passed on have been circulating on the social media over the past few days.

Some also claim Grace has divorced the former president who turns 94 in two months.

Mnangagwa who took over in a operation meant to restore legacy is trying to maintain Mugabe’s legacy and has clearly stated that no matter what people say “to me personally, he remains a father, mentor, comrade-in-arms and my leader”.