Grain Marketing Board Prioritises Wheat Farmers, USD 23.7 Million Paid to Date

May 8, 2024
| Report Focus News

The Grain Marketing Board (GMB) has reaffirmed its commitment to supporting wheat farmers by prioritising payments, with USD 23.7 million already disbursed. In a statement on Wednesday, GMB’s Chief Executive Officer Edson Badarai shared that the parastatal paid USD 4.6 million last week and a further USD 10 million this week.

“The Grain Marketing Board wishes to advise our esteemed farmers and stakeholders that payments for wheat farmers have been significantly made,” he stated. “To date, wheat payments amounting to USD 23.7 million have been made. Last week, GMB made a payment of USD 4.6 million, followed by USD 10 million this week.”

Badarai emphasised that clearing outstanding payments remains a high priority for the board, acknowledging the essential role farmers play in achieving national food security. He reaffirmed GMB’s dedication to the agricultural transformation agenda, which aims to expand wheat cultivation and boost national production.

Zimbabwe is set to cultivate 120,000 hectares of winter wheat this season, with a projected harvest of 600,000 tonnes, significantly surpassing the 468,000 tonnes from last year’s 91,000 hectares.

However, delays in GMB’s payment schedule have reportedly impacted farmers’ ability to secure loans for the current cropping season, affecting their activities. Nonetheless, the board remains resolute in addressing the issue and fortifying its support to wheat farmers across the nation.