Chitungwiza Woman, Locked Indoors for 3 Years, Finds Suitor in Local Pastor

May 3, 2024
chitungwiza woman 23 who has been locked in a house for 3 years finds suitor | Report Focus News
chitungwiza woman 23 who has been locked in a house for 3 years finds suitor

A 23-year-old woman from Zengeza, Chitungwiza, who has spent the last three years confined to her family house, may soon find liberation through marriage to a local pastor. Talent Gent’s grandmother, Gogo Mushore (71), imposed the lockdown on her granddaughter, citing concerns about a man in the neighbourhood who had expressed unwanted romantic interest in Talent.

Despite the confinement, Gogo Mushore permitted church pastors to conduct prayers for the family, typically held outdoors due to Talent’s seclusion.

In an interview with H-Metro, Gogo Mushore acknowledged Talent’s relationship with the pastor, revealing plans for their potential marriage. She arranged for a beautician to style Talent’s hair inside the Chitungwiza house, facilitating private moments for the couple.

Recalling a past attempt to take Talent outside, which resulted in assault, Gogo Mushore emphasized the safety of indoor confinement.

Talent, hopeful for a future marriage with the pastor, expressed anticipation for a return to normalcy in her life.

Previously, Gogo Mushore attributed Talent’s isolation to a persistent male neighbour’s pursuit, leading to a forceful abduction attempt. Despite warnings, the neighbor persisted, ultimately resorting to employing others to seize Talent.

The neighbor, determined to marry Talent, pressured Gogo Mushore to intervene, prompting her to seek refuge within the confines of their home.