Pixie Dust

sangoma 1

Bulawayo Sangoma Convicted for Counterfeit Money Scheme

Sangoma, Misheck Ncube of Bulawayo faces court charges for possessing counterfeit USD and South African Rand notes at his Cowdray Park residence. Ncube allegedly misled clients during money rituals, taking deposits of up to US$5,000 under false pretenses of multiplying their money.
June 6, 2024
mutsvangwa chris

Zanu-PF Turmoil: Mutsvangwa Sparks Factional Dispute

Factionalism rattles Zanu-PF, with Mutsvangwa facing backlash. The Chinhoyi University of Technology’s gym hall hosted a provincial coordinating committee (PCC) meeting where ZANU-PF politburo member Ziyambi Ziyambi exited amid reports of factional disputes in Mashonaland West province. The rift emerged from discord
June 6, 2024

Prophet Talent Madungwe Evicted

ZIMBABWE | Controversial ‘Man of God,’ Prophet Talent Madungwe, also known as ‘The Heavenly Army Commander,’ is facing eviction by his landlord after failing to pay rent for four months. Madungwe, founder of the Exile Desire of All Nations church, gained notoriety
June 3, 2024
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