Zanu-PF Turmoil: Mutsvangwa Sparks Factional Dispute

June 6, 2024
mutsvangwa chris
Christopher Mutsvangwa
Factionalism rattles Zanu-PF, with Mutsvangwa facing backlash. The Chinhoyi University of Technology’s gym hall hosted a provincial coordinating committee (PCC) meeting where ZANU-PF politburo member Ziyambi Ziyambi exited amid reports of factional disputes in Mashonaland West province.

The rift emerged from discord over an ongoing restructuring initiative. Allegedly, Christopher Mutsvangwa disregarded prior agreements by meddling with co-options made by the provincial committee, prompting Ziyambi’s departure. His conduct at the meeting, which included interrupting provincial chairperson Mary Mliswa-Chikoka, drew criticism from youth members.

While Mliswa-Chikoka played down the incident, attributing Ziyambi’s departure to a hospital visit, factional affiliations within the party are apparent. Members like Douglas Mombeshora, Webster Shamu, and Marian Chombo purportedly back Mutsvangwa, while Mliswa-Chikoka aligns with Ziyambi’s faction.