Harare Man Stabbed to Death Over Plate of Sadza

April 14, 2024
SADZA OXTAIL 2 750x499 1 | Report Focus News

A Harare man is currently evading authorities after he reportedly stabbed another man to death in a dispute over a plate of sadza last Friday.

Brighton Nyamukapira is alleged to have fatally stabbed Edward Goto (38) at a car park in Warren Park D, Harare.

According to Police spokesperson Assistant Commissioner Paul Nyathi, “Police in Warren Park are urging anyone with information on the whereabouts of Brighton Nyamukapira to come forward. Nyamukapira is wanted in connection with the murder of Edward Goto (38).”

Nyathi added, “The suspect accused the victim of stealing sadza before he allegedly stabbed him once on the neck with a sharp object at a car park in Warren Park D, Harare, on 12 April 2024.”

In a separate incident, Asst Comm Nyathi also appealed for assistance in identifying a man whose decomposed body was discovered in Kuwadzana 5 Paddocks on Friday. The body was transported to Sally Mugabe Hospital mortuary.