Zimbabwe’s Ruling Zanu PF Savages South Africa’s ANC

August 7, 2020
| Report Focus News

Zimbabwe’s ruling Zanu PF party has castigated South Africa’s African National Congress (ANC) Secretary General, Ace Magashule over remarks concerning the situation in Zimbabwe.

In a derisive attack on Magashule, Zanu PF acting spokesperson Patrick Chinamasa said Magashule was out of order.

“Zanu PF takes strong exception to the utterances that have been attributed to Cde Ace Magashule, the Secretary General of the ANC where he appeared hoodwinked by those seeking to destabilize Zimbabwe through social media falsehoods. As a revolutionary sister, it has never been in our tradition to censure a fellow revolutionary movement or leaders using megaphone approaches, more so when such utterances are misinformed and baseless to say the least.

“Zanu PF categorically states that Cde Magashule’s utterances were completely out of order. For the record, there is no brutality of whatever form happening in Zimbabwe but enforcement of lockdown regulations in line with recommendations by the World Health Organisation and our Ministry of Health and Child Care and what has become common on #Covid-19” said Chinamasa

Appearing in an interview with South Africa’s eNCA television Magashule said “We have talked to some of the people who were exiled from Zimbabwe, who ran away from Zimbabwe we have interacted with them, we know their story, we have heard them. What we see there on television is uncalled for.”

Following a social media campaign by Zimbabweans under #ZimbabweLivesMatter, South African President Cyril Ramaphosa has appointed two special envoys in former Speaker of Parliament, Baleka Mbete and former state security Minister Dr. Sydney Mufamadi to engage Harare on the deepening socio-economic crisis.