Zanu-PF official finally admits defeat

June 13, 2018
| Report Focus News

The Minister of state for Mashonaland Central province Advocate Martin Dinha has finally succumbed to pressure from the provincial political leadership and has pledged to support party candidate for Mazowe North MP Campion Mugweni.

Dinha who was reportedly refusing to concede defeat finally gave in to pressure after politiburo member Kenneth Musanhi publically rebuked him before Vice President Kembo Mohadi at Mahuwe for his disgruntlement over the loss in the primaries.

The Minister told this reporter that the political wounds have healed and is geared to support Mugweni and above all the ruling party as a mature party cadre.

“All ZANU PF candidates who did not make it and lost the game in whatever way or situation primary elections are over, takarwadziwa zvikapera. Tikahwina today tese muZANU PF yedu, ko MDC Alliance ikahwina inokuona iwe zvibvunze mudikani,” said Dinha.

“We are all ZANU PF cadres and we want our party to win because it is our party, the party that liberated Zimbabwe and that has the future of Zimbabwe at heart. With ED and the New Dispensation our future is safe and guaranteed.”

Dinha said he does not hate his successor hence he is looking forward to assist him in developing the constituency despite losing huge sums of money in campaigning and developing the constituency.

“I am calling my brother (Mugweni) we need to turn words into action, ZANU PF cannot lose after the hard work l did in developing the constituency, I stand firmly with my boss ED whom l represent in Mashonaland Central province.”

He claimed that opposition parties where already rejoicing after seeing him side-lining Mugweni a gesture that means doom for the party.

“Our candidate Campion Mugweni won’t make it without my active support , the enemy will be happy if he loses and by extension ZANU PF would have lost the election, l will not allow our seat to go to enemy hands, better with my brother than with MDC or NPF those are G40 cabal.”

However, it is also reported that both Dinha and Mugweni submitted their papers today at Bindura magistrate court for consideration at the nomination court.