LATEST: Gunfight at ZRP Commissioner Chihuri’s house

December 6, 2017
Report Focus News
Augustine Chihuri

A rogue policeman guarding Zimbabwe Republic Police Commissioner-General Dr Augustine Chihuri’s house in Borrowdale today ran amok after his bid to loot property from the house was foiled.

Police sources say Dr Chihuri’s gardener saw the suspect stealing household property and alerted an officer who had come to the house for a routine inspection at around 9:45am.

The officer then confronted the suspect who retaliated by firing shots from his FN rifle towards the officer who quickly sought cover and called for backup from Police General Headquarters.

“Backup swiftly arrived and a gunfight ensued lasting over three hours. The suspect allegedly tried to escape by using one of Dr Chihuri’s vehicles but failed as the house had been surrounded. He then set the house on fire damaging a significant section of the property’s roof,” said the source.

The suspect, attached to ZRP’s Support Unit, was then arrested after running out of ammunition.

The Air Force of Zimbabwe Fire Brigade then put out the fire before ZRP’s forensics and ballistics teams attended the scene and were still conducting investigations.

Details to follow…