Zimbabwe: Matabeleland North welcomes Prof Moyo expulsion

November 30, 2017
| Report Focus News

Zanu PF Matabeleland North province has welcomed the expulsion of Tsholotsho North National Assembly member Professor Jonathan Moyo from the party and parliament, saying the decision will eliminate the looming divisions that were engineered to promote the G40 agenda.

Professor Moyo was expelled from the party at a Zanu PF Special Central Committee meeting held in Harare on the 19th of November and later expelled as a parliamentarian.

According to Matabeleland North Zanu PF provincial chairman Cde Richard Moyo, Professor Moyo’s conduct was not befitting a politburo member as he fanned factionalism and never wanted to work with the provincial party structures.

Professor Moyo is also alleged to have attempted to have other politburo members who include Dr Obert Mpofu, Cde Thokozile Mathuthu, Ambassador Cain Mathema as well as the Speaker of the National Assembly Advocate Jacob Mudenda expelled from the party together with some provincial executive members.

“As Mat North, the decision that has been taken by the central committee and parliament is very welcome and we are very happy and are optimistic that the party members in the province will now be able to work without any hassles,” said Cde Moyo.

Professor Moyo is among the several senior members of the party who were expelled for various acts of misconduct since the launch of Operation Restore Legacy by the Zimbabwe Defence Forces two weeks ago.