Six Murders in Midlands Province Within Eight Days

December 29, 2022
| Report Focus News

In the Midlands province, there have been six murders within the span of eight days between December 17 and Christmas Day. Additionally, six other individuals are fighting for their lives following violent attacks, some of which have resulted in the arrest of suspects.

Inspector Emmanuel Mahoko of the Midlands police force has confirmed these cases and is urging the public to avoid violence and respect the sanctity of life. Most of these incidents occurred while people were drinking alcohol and may be attributed to the influence of alcohol.

One particularly strange case involves Simon Munda (49) and his daughter Gladys (26), who were both severely assaulted with an axe by Gladys’ husband at Village Chiodza in Mvuma on December 23. The suspect, Gilbert Nzwanda (27), demanded $10,000 in compensation for labor he claimed to have provided while living at Munda’s home.

When Munda refused this demand, Nzwanda reportedly pulled a machete from his pants and struck Gladys on the head and hands multiple times. As Munda tried to stop Nzwanda from further harming his wife, Nzwanda also struck him on the head. A nearby villager, Nicholas Mawire (45), saw Nzwanda assaulting Munda and tried to intervene, but was also struck on the cheek and neck.

Nzwanda was eventually disarmed and fled the scene, setting fire to two huts, a flat roof bedroom, and a fowl run as he left. The three complainants managed to escape and were taken to Mvuma District Hospital, where they are currently being treated. Nzwanda remains at large.