White City Stadium Grenade Bombing that narrowly missed President Mnangagwa Still an unresolved case

February 8, 2019
| Report Focus News
Injured people are evacuated after an explosion at the stadium in Bulawayo where Zimbabwe President just addressed a rally on June 23, 2018. An AFP correspondent reported multiple injuries but could not immediately give a precise toll after a blast at a ruling ZANU-PF party rally today. Images broadcast on Zimbabwean TV showed scenes of chaos and medics fighting to save those wounded by the blast at the White City stadium in the country's second city Bulawayo. / AFP PHOTO / KEN MAUR / Zimbabwe OUT / DO NOT USE ON TWITTER

A grenade bomber who narrowly missed Zimbabwe’s President Emmerson Mnangagwa in an explosion that killed two people at a campaign rally in June last year is yet to be found. The case is yet to be resolved.

Seven months after the blast that killed two people and injured dozens on that fateful Saturday afternoon in Zimbabwe’s second city, Bulawayo, where Mnangagwa was campaigning for the 2018 elections, we are still clueless as to who was behind the attack.

Interest in the case has died down. The police and the investigating teams tasked to bring the perpetrators to book seem to have hit a dead end in their investigations and are perhaps hoping it all forgotten.

However, lives were lost and over 50 people were injured.

The injured included Vice President Kembo Mohadi and the defence minister Oppah Muchinguri-Kashiri, who were taken to South Africa for treatment after the blast. Another high profile person in that blast was vice-president, Constantino Chiwenga, who received bruises to his face.

Some political observers speculated that the attack was an inside job carried out by the G40 cabal a faction of Mugabe loyalists who wanted to eliminate Mnangagwa before the 2018 elections.

Others argued that Mnangagwa could have staged the bombing to gain sympathy just before the 2018 vote.

Days after the attack several media houses picked interest in the case it was reported that Investigators from the police, army and national intelligence agency were still going through evidence from the Bulawayo stadium.

Curiously not much has been resolved or revealed with regards this case seven months after the attack. This has led to questions being asked as to whether this attack was real or staged?