Police Arrest Person Found in Possession of Human Head

December 24, 2018
| Report Focus News

Zimbabwean police have arrested a man who was found in possession of a human head in his care in Harare on Saturday.

Police spokesperson Senior Assistant Commissioner Charity Charamba confirmed the arrest but could not release any further information about the incident.

“Yes, it’s true that we made such an arrest,” said Charamba without elaborating.

Indications are that the man was arrested shortly after a road traffic accident in the city’s Belvedere suburb.

Police made the grisly discovery after they searched the car in which he was travelling in that is believed to be a stolen vehicle.

The unidentified man’s head was wrapped in a plastic paper while his body was pulled from a toilet in the Workington Industrial area, according to sources.

The arrested man has not been identified.

Zimbabweans associate human body parts with witchcraft.