Commotion in Zimbabwe Parliament

November 22, 2018
| Report Focus News

Members of Parliament from the MDC-Alliance were forcibly ejected from Parliament for disrespecting President Mnangagwa.

According to the Standing Orders, Legislators are supposed to stand on their feet when the President enters the House. However, opposition MPs flatly refused to do so and were ejected from the House.

The Speaker Advocate Jacob Mudenda had no option but to call the police to throw out the ‘rowdy’ MPs after they refused to vacate the house.

Political analyst and Director of the Zimbabwe Democracy institute Dr. Pedzisayi Ruhanya speaking on twitter said the ejection of opposition MPs meant finance Minister would be presenting his budget statement to Zanu PF members.

“As it stands, given the chaos in Parliament and the ejection of opposition MDC MPs, Mthuli is presenting his budget to ZANU PF members and the ZANU PF president. Should have gone and do it at ZNU PF HQ!” wrote Dr. Ruhanya

Another twitter handle @AdvocateTinoChinyoka said what the opposition Mps did meant they must accept the consequences.

“If you take a stance in Parliament (e.g. disrespecting the President because you don’t recognize his legitimacy) you must do so accepting the consequences of such action: ejection. So the behaviour of MDC MPs refusing to accept the sanction for their free choice is childish. Fact” wrote Advocate Tino Chinyoka

The gesture by the MDC parliamentarians is not the first after doing the same on the President Robert Mugabe in protest over his re-election which they claimed was fraudulent.

They are on record saying the election of Mnangagwa was fraudulent this despite a Constitutional Court ruling confirming Mnangagwa as President.