Zanu PF secretary Obert Mpofu appears in court

November 20, 2018
Obert Mpofu the ZANU PF Secretary General | Report Focus News
Obert Mpofu, the ZANU PF Secretary-General,

Obert Mpofu the  Zanu PF secretary for administration and former Cabinet minister finally appeared in court yesterday answering to inciting a Ntabazinduna villager to defy directives from Chief Felix Nhlanhlayemangwe Ndiweni.

The former had previously declined to testify saying he knew nothing about the matter in which Chief Ndiweni and his 13 subjects appeared in court for vandalising Fatti Mbele’s homestead, whom they accused of defying Chief Ndiweni’s directive to divorce his alleged adulterous wife.

Chief Ndiweni claims Mpofu waded into the issue in a vengeful move after he filed stock-theft charges against the former minister.

Mpofu was subpoenaed but refused to pitch up, resulting in magistrate Glamore Mushowe issuing a warrant of arrest against the 67-year-old politician two weeks ago.

However, his warrant was last week cancelled in a development that paved way for his court appearance yesterday.

Magistrate Nyaradzo Ringisai postponed the matter to January 16 because her colleague in charge of the case was not available.