MDC Alliance suspends Vic Falls mayor again

November 19, 2018
| Report Focus News

THE MDC Alliance has again suspended recently re-instated Victoria Falls Mayor, Councillor Somvelo Dlamini, on fresh allegations of bringing the party into disrepute by defying directives and undermining protocol among other charges.

No specific charges were cited in the suspension letter dated November 6 and signed by the party’s secretary for Matabeleland North, Mr Mxolisi Ndlovu.

Last month the Nelson Chamisa-led party was forced to reverse an earlier decision to fire Clr Dlamini on the grounds that the provincial executive committee had not followed procedure.

Clr Dlamini was handed the letter yesterday.

Reads the letter copied to the national organising committee, district and ward committees: “Suspension from councillorship of Ward 9 and party activities at Victoria Falls Municipality and Ward 9 structures.

With reference to the above matter, this communiqué serves to inform you that you are suspended from performing the above duties within the party with immediate effect.

“You’re therefore expected to be summoned to appear before the provincial executive disciplinary committee in terms of section 3.6.1 of the party constitution in due course and expected to hear your laid out charges in terms of section 3.6.3 of the same constitution.”

Clr Dlamini’s charges were allegedly premised on the fact that he defied the party’s decree where he was supposed to stand as deputy mayor and leave the mayorship for preferred candidate, Clr Margaret Varley of Ward 1.

In an interview yesterday, the party’s spokesperson Dr Nkululeko Sibanda blamed the Victoria Falls mayorship saga on what he termed “competition from competition” that he accused of causing confusion in the process.

He accused Clr Dlamini of not following party procedure when he was elected as mayor.

Asked why the party was keen on disciplining him alone and not the seven councillors who voted him in, Dr Sibanda said: “The reason is that they got confused during the election process because they knew there was one candidate.”

“When nominations were called, no one challenged but the opposition confused our councillors to vote for Dlamini who was meant to be deputy.”

Dr Sibanda said Mr Chamisa was not imposing candidates but keen on introducing democracy which residents were denying.

He said the selection process involved residents who were, however, overshadowed by personal interests.

“In Victoria Falls we had all stakeholders required by the party to participate in the selection process but the residents association chose not to participate because it is suspected that it is working closely with our competition hence they refused to participate in the process,” he said.

In Victoria Falls, residents have vowed to support Clr Dlamini as they accuse some councillors of plotting his downfall for their interests.
