BREAKING NEWS: Mnangagwa appoints Chiwenga, Mohadi his deputies

December 23, 2017
| Report Focus News
Zimbabwe's President Emmerson Mnangagwa looks on as he chairs ZANU PF's Politburo meeting in Harare, Zimbabwe, December 13, 2017.REUTERS/Philimon Bulawayo

Presidential press secretary Cde George Charamba says the President and First Secretary of Zanu PF Cde Emmerson Mnangagwa has appointed Retired General Constantino Dominic Nyikadzino Guvheya Chiwenga as Vice President and Second Secretary of Zanu PF.

President Mnangagwa has also appointed Cde Kembo Mohadi as Vice President and Second Secretary of Zanu PF.

Cde Charamba said the appointments are with immediate effect.

General Chiwenga recently retired from the position of Commander Zimbabwe Defence Forces where he was replaced by General Philip Valerio Sibanda.

Cde Mohadi had been appointed and serving as Defence, Security and War Veterans Minister in the new cabinet.