UZ Students Strike, Refuse To Write Exams Until Mugabe Steps Down

November 20, 2017
| Report Focus News

Harare – Reports on Monday indicated that students at the University of Zimbabwe had vowed not to write examinations until President Robert Mugabe stepped down.

The students at the university are demonstrating and protesting against President Robert Mugabe who has been ruling for more than a decade.

They are saying that they will not write their exams until Mugabe steps down. The students are also demanding that the University should recall the degree which was awarded to President Robert Mugabe’s wife, Grace in 2014. Grace Mugabe graduated with a PhD from the University of Zimbabwe’s Faculty of Social Studies Department of Sociology.

However, the degree attracted intense criticism and speculation after claims that Grace Mugabe did not write a thesis and that she did not take the required period of between three and six years to complete it.

The University has since cancelled the exams after the students demanded to be addressed by Vice Chancellor Levi Nyagura.

We will be updating the story as more details come in.


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