Inside President Robert Mugabe’s lavish ‘Blue Roof’ mansion

November 20, 2017
| Report Focus News

Photographs of the plush palace, dubbed ‘Blue Roof’, show the 93-year-old tyrant immerses himself in luxury, far away from the pain and suffering felt by ordinary people in the cash-strapped nation

Robert Mugabe’s mansion: The 25-bedroom private house was reportedly constructed by a Serbian construction company Energo project to a Chinese architectural design.The palace nicknamed, ‘Blue Roof’ has two lakes in its 44 acre landscaped grounds and is protected by a multi-million pounds radar system. Approach roads to the mansion, topped by a Chinese-style roof clad in

| Report Focus News
Photographs of the palace emerge as Mugabe faces increasing calls to resign


| Report Focus News
A swimming pool on the grounds of the palace
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A luxury bath was pictured at the home in Harare
| Report Focus News
Mugabe surrounds himself with expensive furniture in the property
| Report Focus News
Marble floors adorn the spacious property
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Extravagant chandeliers are seen in a dining room
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Mugabe lives in the mansion while millions in the country suffer

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