Grace Mugabe ‘out of the picture’ as military reveal they are holding Mugabe’s wife

November 20, 2017
| Report Focus News

GRACE Mugabe is being held by the military leaders who took control of Zimbabwe from her husband, officials claim. 

Grace Mugabe is being held by the military, officials have confirmed

There has been much speculation about the fate of Robert Mugabe’s unpopular wife since the army stormed the capital in a takeover that is thought to have taken place to stop her gaining power.

A military official said: “She was a bad influence on Mugabe while he was in power, and was a bad influence on him when we tried to negotiate a deal with him to stand down.”

It had been reported that she had fled to Namibia or was still living with the President but now it appears that she was seized by the military in the early stages of the coup.

The military takeover was partially inspired by Robert Mugabe to remove his longtime deputy, Emmerson Mnangagwa, and pave the way for his wife to take over after the 93-year-old dies.

Now it has been revealed that Mrs Mugabe is being held by the rebels who she vowed to crush.
An official told the Daily Mail: “It’s best she is taken out of the picture and forgotten about for now – we will decide what to do with her later.

“She is a very rich lady and at some point we will want to find out all about how she made that money.”

‘I am the first lady’: Grace Mugabe gets heckled at rally

She was a bad influence on Mugabe while he was in power Military official

She has reportedly been held across a number of different military detention centres where the President’s feared state security is said to have tortured people.
Grace Mugabe has been nicknamed “Gucci Grace” by her critics and is known for her lavish spending on luxury items.

Along with a “number of others” Grace will face charges, Zanu PF party officials have said.

She is accused of “preaching hate, divisiveness and assuming roles and powers not delegated to the office”.

The news of the leader, who has been kicked out of his own Zanu PF party, comes as he shocked the world by refusing to resign in a TV address.
He failed to quit as President with the impeachment deadline looming. It is widely believed that moves to dismiss him will be made on Monday morning.

The leader had been expected to quit during a speech to the nation but said he would continue to preside over his party at a congress next month.
Steps to impeach him are now expected to go ahead tomorrow and a march in the capital Harare is planned for Wednesday.

Mugabe’s son Chatunga Bellamine Mugabe has used Facebook to lash out at attempts to depose his father.

The dictaor shocked the nation when he refused to resign during a TV speech

Chatunga referred to his dad by the name of his clan, writing: “You can’t fire a Revolutionary leader! Zanu PF is nothing without President Mugabe.
“Gushungo will always remain the champion of champions!

“Proud of you Gushungo. Proud of Dad. Gushungo always and forever to death.”