War veterans: Remove Mugabe as president

November 15, 2017
| Report Focus News

Robert Mugabe must be “recalled” as president of Zimbabwe and leader of the ruling Zanu-PF party, the leader of Zimbabwe’s war veterans has said.

Victor Matemadanda called for his removal after accusing Mr Mugabe and his wife Grace of “denigrating the military and the war veterans” during a press conference on Wednesday

He also urged the government to consider veterans “as the fourth wing of the party”, as he praised the army’s actions.

According to @263Chat, which has been live tweeting from the news conference, he also called on all sides for their support.

Last year, Mr Matemadanda and several other leading war veterans were expelled from Zanu-PF for withdrawing their support for Mr Mugabe, accusing him of dictatorial tendencies, egocentrism and misrule.

Up until then, the war veterans had played a key and sometimes violent role in supporting President Mugabe and were his former comrades in the liberation struggle of the 1970s.