President Mugabe won’t live more than a month revelations caused Mnangagwa ouster

November 9, 2017
| Report Focus News

Unconfirmed information is that the dismissal of Emmerson Mnangagwa from the praesidium has something to do with indications by the Malaysian urologist who told the first family that President Robert Mugabe cannot live more than a month now due to the advanced stage of his prostate cancer.

Sources at the senior levels of the Zimbabwe Defence Forces reportedly indicated that the move to remove VP Mnangagwa was prompted by President Mugabe’s rapidly deteriorating health.

“The president’s Malaysian urologist and Chinese doctors have informed the First Lady that the president is unlikely to live for more than a month due to mounting complications from his long-standing prostate cancer,” reads the details leaked.

The cocktail of medications that have been administered to Mugabe over a long period of time are having less and less effect and the side effects of cancer such as fluid retention and decreased lung capacity are believed likely to cause a “failure of the organism” within weeks if not days. Before his rally at Bulawayo’s White City Stadium on Saturday, Mugabe’s medical team were concerned that the dosage of medication required to put the president on his feet might prove fatal. ”

Details further state that Mugabe, therefore, urged the first lady to seize the moment and make the long-awaited strike against Mnangagwa before the VP had time to do the same to her and the children.

“The president is said to fear a situation in which he dies with Mnangagwa in a de facto position to take the presidency. He is believed to have advised the first lady to “kill” Mnangagwa “before he kills us”. He also instructed the first lady that the head of the Defence Forces, Constantine Chiwenga, was “a long-standing coward who will salute anybody who will win”, so the key element was to “ensure that he salutes you first and not Mnangagwa” reads the details.

The details could not be confirmed at the moment.