Grace Mugabe tried to have Emmerson Mnangagwa killed

November 8, 2017
| Report Focus News

On Monday a furious President Robert Mugabe pulled the trigger and fired his long time water-carrier Emmerson Mnangagwa from the position of Vice President of the Republic of Zimbabwe. Since then various stories have being thrown around about Mnangagwa’s whereabouts

Below we document what we know so far.

Apparently now in exile Mnangagwa has issued a 5 page statement telling Mugabe;

“ZANU-PF “is not personal property of you and your wife to do as you please. This is now a party controlled by undisciplined, egotistical and self-serving minnows who derive their power not from the people and party but from only two individuals in the form of the First Family,” he said.

General Chiwenga in China

The commander of the Zimbabwe Defence Forces (ZDF) Constantine Chiwenga travelled to China last week and according to our sources he is still in China. Its being reported Mugabe’s next target is Chiwenga, who is accused of supporting Mnangagwa’s ambitions to succeed him.

Some are even suggesting Chiwenga will meet Mnangagwa in South Africa.

Grace Mugabe wants Mnangagwa dead

Its our understanding Mugabe and his wife Grace were not content with just firing Mnangagwa as VP but actually wanted him dead. Mnangagwa confirmed this by admitting his life was under threat.

According to the Zimbabwe Liberation War Veterans Association leader‚ Chris Mutsvangwa‚ who was speaking at a media briefing in Sandton (South Africa) on Wednesday.

“The vice president (Mnangagwa) is safe…he is in a place where assassins can no longer reach him‚” he said‚ adding that Mnangagwa may soon be travelling to Johannesburg.

These revelations bring a new dimension to the claims made last month when Mnangagwa claimed he had survived a poisoning attempt at a Zanu PF rally in Gwanda.

Bodyguard betrayed Mnangagwa?

A yet unconfirmed story claims Grace Mugabe put a $250 000 bounty for Mnangagwa’s head and that  one of Mnangagwa’s bodyguard was betraying him while selling out his whereabouts.

An attempt to send a plane to pick up Mnangagwa from Buffalo Range Airport in Chiredzi was blocked by the Central Intelligence Organisation who were alerted by the mole in Mnangagwa’s camp.

Mnangagwa and his son have avoided using their regular phones because they were being bugged.

Please note we will continue updating this page as we get more information…..
