Outspoken war Vets boss jailed for failed

August 17, 2017
| Report Focus News

OUTSPOKEN executive member of the Zimbabwe National Liberation War Veterans Association (ZNLWVA) Victor Matemadanda has been arrested and is expected to appear in court Thursday.

According to his lawyer, David Coltart, the senior war veteran handed himself over to the police.

Matemadanda has been charged with undermining the Office of the President and causing disaffection among police and defence forces.

This is the second time Matemadanda has been arrested under the same charge. He was locked up Wednesday.

Last year together with Douglas Mahiya, (ZNLWVA) Secretary for communications), Headman Moyo (deputy chairperson) he was accused of distributing a communiqué calling on President Robert Mugabe to step down.

Coltrat said, “He has been charged with section 30 and 33 of the criminal code.”

He added, “The state alleges that they have a video of Matemadanda where he allegedly said they should be consistently in the response to Grace Mugabe’s call for a successor and the War Veterans making the same call.”

At a press conference recently, Matemadanda called for the arrest of the First Lady saying that was necessary if the application of the law was to be seen to be uniform.

His argument was that Grace should have been arrested after her utterances that Mugabe should name a successor.

At the same press conference, he said the First Lady should not be a champion of disciplining civil servants when she is a “failed mother”. He said Grace had failed to discipline her two wayward sons Robert Jr and Chatunga.

“She can’t be a mother to 14 million Zimbabweans when she cannot reign in her only two sons,” Matemadanda said at a press conference.

The two boys are suspected to be using drugs and having relationships with several women. Last weekend, the First Lady allegedly beat up a 20 year old model who she found in a hotel room with her sons.

ZNLWVA executive members are believed to be linked to a faction called Team Lacoste which is led by VP Emerson Mnangagwa in the fight to succeed aged Robert Mugabe.