Chief Justice Luke Malaba wife involved in a car crash accident

August 4, 2017
| Report Focus News

CHIEF Justice Luke Malaba’s wife, Eunice, was reportedly rushed to hospital following a traffic accident in Bulawayo after a Honda Fit made a sudden u-turn in front of a Ford Ranger she was travelling in.

The accident occurred in Fourwinds suburb on Wednesday afternoon.

A police source said who attended the scene said they were shocked to discover that it was Chief Justice Malaba’s wife in the car.

“The accident occurred after a Honda Fit driver made a sudden u-turn in front of her vehicle resulting in her vehicle crashing into the Honda Fit. The Ford Ranger had two people, the Chief Justice’s wife and the driver. She was taken to hospital where she was treated and discharged,” said the source.

Both Mrs Malaba and the Chief Justice could not be reached for comment yesterday. The police and public have made numerous complaints over the conduct of Honda Fit drivers who seem to disregard the rules of the road.

Bulawayo police spokesperson Inspector Precious Simango could not be reached for comment.

Meanwhile, a kombi driver and eight pupils from Milton and Townsend High schools were injured after a truck rammed into their kombi and it landed on its side.

The accident occurred at the corner of Robert Mugabe Way and 6th Avenue. The injured were all rushed to the United Bulawayo Hospitals (UBH).

Acting chief fire officer Mr Linos Phiri confirmed the accident saying the injured were rushed by two ambulances to the hospital.

“I don’t have the finer details of the accident at the moment but I can confirm that there was a road traffic accident involving a kombi which was carrying eight pupils that was side-hit by a truck. The driver of the kombi and the pupils were rushed to hospital by two ambulances,” said Mr Phiri.

The extent of their injuries could not be ascertained by the time of going to print last night.

Witnesses said the truck driver failed to give way to oncoming traffic and rammed into the kombi. The witnesses said truck driver disappeared soon after the accident.
