LIVE: Gwanda Presidential Youth Interface

August 12, 2017
Report Focus News

1520: Hoping that the late Dr Nkomo is resting in peace together with other departed Comrades, Cde Mugabe also describes the late Ndebele King, Mzilikazi as one of the pioneers of the struggle, adding that even his remains are interred in the great area of Ematojeni.

15:14- He says: “We are in a province that we honour so much, the province that has Zanu PF party values. It has history also, is it not this province where [the late Vice President Joshua Nkomo] Umdala Wethu hailed from?. We held meetings with Umdala Wethu, from Kezi to Plumtree, Gwanda, Filabusi and Beitbridge.”

15:09 – His Excellency says he is still mourning the death of Cde Naison Khutshwekhaya Ndlovu whom he calls his father in law. “Our tears are still fresh. We miss him. We miss him today, we will miss him and we shall miss him forever. I hope you keep him in your prayers so that he continues to rest in peace.”

15:08 –  To Zanu PF Matabeleland North Province, “We need you, we need you so much,” he says.

15:04- After salutations and confirmation that the First Lady Dr Grace Mugabe has travelled to South Africa to have her foot examined after she was injured at the airport in a freak accident recently, President Mugabe thanks youths for organising the Presidential Youth Interface rallies.

15:02 -President addresses the rally.

14:58 – Cde Chipanga explains expectations of youths in Matabeleland South Province, which include empowerment demands such as licensing of small scale miners and consideration in the Beitbridge-Harare highway dualisation project.

14:53 – He says youths are prepared to contest in all political positions except for the post of President. He says they will contest for positions of councillors, MPs, adding that the only position that has a candidate already is that of President.

14:45 – Cde Chipanga  calls on youths to register for next year’s elections, adding that President Mugabe and the ruling party, Zanu PF are going to win next year’s elections. “Ma elections akatowhiniwa kare, zvakatonyorwa pasi nekudenga kuti Gushungo ndimi munowhina next year.”

14:39 –  Cde Chipanga takes to the podium to address delegates.

14:32 – Cde Chipanga asks Vice Presidents: Phelekezela Mphoko and Cde Emmerson Mnangagwa to great the gathering.

14:31 –  Zanu PF Secretary for Youth Affairs, Cde Kudzanayi Chipanga introduces Politburo members present and Cde Ignatius Chombo chants the party’s slogans.

14:26 – Everyone is up for the singing of the National Anthem.

14:11 – After arrival, President Mugabe is moving around the stadium greeting thousands of party supporters aboard an open ZRP truck. With the trademark  song: ‘Jongwe Rinotonga Rimwechete,’ sounding, Cde Mugabe is actually waving the Zimbabwean flag in the company of Zanu PF Youth League leader, Cde Kudzanayi Chipanga.

14:10 –  You can catch the proceedings live on ZBC TV.

14:09 – After commissioning the information centre, President Mugabe is now at Pelandaba Stadium for the rally.