US President Donald Trump to ‘meet the Queen’ during UK visit

April 27, 2018
Report Focus News

Donald Trump will reportedly meet the Queen during July’s “working visit” to the UK. 

The US leader is set to hold talks with Theresa May on his first trip to Britain since he was elected as US president.

His trip later this year has been billed as a 24-hour “flying visit” rather than an official state one, which would have seen Mr Trump hosted by the Queen.

However, he is nonetheless set to meet her during his trip The Daily Telegraph reported, adding that his time with Ms May will be spent at Chequers, the prime minister’s country residence, to avoid potential protests in London.

Downing Street would not confirm the meeting with the Queen, adding that they would release more information in due course.

The US leader will fly into Britain after attending a two day Nato meeting in Brussels.

Sir Kim Darroch, the UK’s ambassador to the US, said he was “delighted” that Mr Trump will visit Britain.

Mr Trump was previously set to visit the UK to open the new US Embassy in London in February, but cancelled after he claimed he was not a “big fan” of the decision to move its location.

He also claimed the new building was too expensive.

His decision prompted some to speculate that the visit was scrapped over fears of mass protests after activists made plans for a major demonstration.

These protests are likely to take place in July and Kate Allen, Amnesty International UK’s director, said thousands will be “making our voices heard”.

“In the 15 months of his presidency, we’ve seen a deeply disturbing human rights roll-back – including the discriminatory travel ban, his reckless announcement on Jerusalem, and harmful policies on refugees, women’s rights and climate change,” she said