Mugabe face prosecution after Zimbabwe coup

November 19, 2017
Report Focus News

There was a wholesale purge of all the people around Robert and Grace Mugabe the so-called G40 at today’s Zanu-PF Central Committee meeting.

The party has also resolved that Grace Mugabe, who has just been booted out of the party together with her husband and several other officials, will face prosecution.

The party has also fired the following:

Grace Mugabe,
Jonathan Moyo,
Phelekezela Mphoko,
Walter Mzembi,
Patrick Zhuwao,
Saviour Kasukuwere,
Patrick Zhuwao,
Ignatius Chombo,
Paul Chimedza,
Makhosini Hlongwane,
Samuel Undenge  and his wife,
Sarah Mahoka,
Tongai Kasukuwere,
Shadreck Mashayamombe,
Anastacia Ndlovu, and
Manditawepi Chimhene.

The Central Committee is the highest decision making body in Zanu PF.

The move paves way for the impeachment of the veteran leader.