LIVE from Zanu-pf HQ: President address on the state of the party

November 8, 2017
Report Focus News


13:59 – “Pamberi neZanu PF, nekutevera gwara, neYouth League, nemadzimai. Pasi nevasingade kubatana nevamwe . . .,” President Mugabe begins his address.

14:00 – “Let me start by thanking you, youths. We have always said it that to us, the sun is setting but to youths, its just but rising.

14:13 – “Since the sun is rising, they have a long way to go. But as they journey along, they have to follow gwara remusangano. Gwara iroro harirase.

14:14 – “There are some people who thought since the sun is about to set, they can deviate from the norms. No, we do not tolerate that. It doesn’t matter you have been with the President for so long. It doesn’t matter whether you were invited by the President.

14:16 – President Mugabe says it is always wise to follow the road because short cuts are always dangerous. “Short cuts have lions, there is sickness and death. You need to use proper routes.”

14:17 – “The same applies with leadership. You cannot be a leader through short cuts.

14:18 – President Mugabe thanks the youth league for organising the Million Man March adding that on the day of the march, VP Mphoko was full of delight whereas former VP Mnangagwa sat looking down embarrassed by the success it had turned out to be.

14:20 – President Mugabe narrates the build up to the youth league trip to Sochi in Russia. “Ndozvatinoita in our free country,” he says.

About what happened in Bulawayo, President Mugabe says  he had knowledge of the shenanigans that were being organised. ”As Amai stood to address, I heard sounds, people booing. When he rose to greet the crowd, the same people were jubilant.

14:22 – President Mugabe has told the gathering here that he has known for some time, of the plots by his beleaguered former deputy.

“We tried to keep it away from the public eye but on Sunday, all was laid bare and we had to act.”

14:26 – “People were ferried from Kwekwe using school buses to come and boo Amai and cheer VaMnangagwa as a way of trying to portray him as popular.

14:31 – One can not be a leader, President Mugabe says if they do not have discipline.

14:32 – President Mugabe has castigated tribalism adding that people are just the same. “You can not claim to be the greatest because you come from a particular province. We are one people. Sibanye, Simunye. Tirimunhu mumwe chete, tirivanhu vamwe chete. We are one people,” says President Mugabe.

14:33 – “There were people who were now claiming they are the greatest. They are Karangas. No, we do not want that. We will throw them away. ”Some will mourn and say they lost their leader. Ehe, you have lost your leader because he had become a deviant. We have kicked him out for the same reasons that saw us chasing away Mujuru. He even assisted us to force her out but we didn’t know he was assisting us so that he could do the same.

14:35 – President Mugabe says his former deputy lacked ideological orientation and proposes he goes back to a school of ideology.

14:40 – His Excellency has apologises to Bulawayo Province for what happened last Saturday.

“Takakukanganisirayi isu vepamusoro. We plotted what happened. But we have dealt with it. We are looking forward to dealing with those who were cavorting with him (former VP Mnangagwa).

14:42 – President Mugabe thanks Youth League leadership and says “VaChipanga, we are proud of you. We are proud of you. AnaMai, hamushaikwe. Zvichemo zvenyu tirikuzviziva. Tichazvigadzirisa kuCongress.”


14:45 – Cde Chipanga  requests VP Mphoko to give vote of thanks.

As VP Mphoko, rises, youths chant Mdala Wethu, to which he responds angilabantu, abantu ngabakaBaba (I do not have people, people belong to the President).

14:46 – VP Mphoko says even though he has been  ambushed he will not stammer.

14:52 – ”In 2014, you appointed me to be your deputy . You also appointed my colleague but he is no longer with us. I am now lonely your Excellency, I felt it yesterday. Kindly appoint a counterpart for me.

“I am glad because people have identified the one they want. Do not be afraid or ashamed to appoint your own wife. She is Zimbabwean and the people want her,” says VP Mphoko as he concludes his remarks.