Harare West Legislator Joana Mamombe Announces Resignation from Parliament

May 31, 2024
Joana Mamombe
Joana Mamombe

Joana Mamombe, the Member of Parliament for Harare West, has announced her resignation in an unexpected turn of events. Currently in South Africa to support a friend battling cancer, Mamombe released a heartfelt statement addressing the recent developments in Parliament.

“I hope this message finds you well,” she began, expressing her surprise at the rapid and unforeseen changes in the House. Mamombe described the events that transpired as shocking and troubling.

In her statement, Mamombe highlighted her dismay at attempts by certain individuals within the democratic space to use these parliamentary events to discredit her. She unequivocally rejected the appointment of Tshabangu as Chairperson of the Environment Committee, a position she has held since October 12th, 2023, following her appointment by President Chamisa.

“Let me be clear: Tshabangu is an imposter and is not my leader,” Mamombe stated firmly. She emphasized that she does not recognize his authority and denounced his appointment.

Given these circumstances, Mamombe announced her decision to step down from her parliamentary role. “I believe it is best to allow those who deem Tshabangu fit to take my place,” she said, acknowledging the necessity of her resignation in light of recent developments.

While Mamombe is away, her team in Zimbabwe is preparing a formal rejection letter, which will be submitted to Parliament this afternoon.

In closing, Mamombe thanked her constituents and expressed her commitment to service.

The resignation of Joana Mamombe marks a significant shift in the political landscape of Harare West, raising questions about the future direction of its representation in Parliament.