Mnangagwa, Magosi Discuss SADC Summit in Harare

May 22, 2024
GOLDgo XMAAF9ll | Report Focus News

President Emmerson Mnangagwa met with SADC Executive Secretary Elias Magosi at State House in Harare to discuss Zimbabwe’s preparations for hosting the SADC Summit of Heads of State and Government in August 2024. The meeting marked a significant step in Zimbabwe’s readiness to welcome regional leaders and address critical issues facing the Southern African Development Community (SADC).

Magosi expressed satisfaction with the progress made in preparations, commending the efforts of the Zimbabwean government. During the meeting, he presented the SADC Executive Secretary’s Report for the years 2022-2023, highlighting key achievements and challenges within the region.

The discussions between Mnangagwa and Magosi covered a wide range of topics, including regional goals, economic development, regional security, and climate resilience. Both leaders emphasized the importance of fostering cooperation among SADC member states to achieve sustainable development and enhance regional stability.

Following their meeting, Magosi briefed the media, underscoring the significance of the upcoming summit. He highlighted the summit’s role in shaping the future of the region and addressing pressing issues that affect member states. Magosi also reiterated the commitment of SADC to work collaboratively towards achieving its objectives.

“The preparations for the SADC Summit are well on track, and we are confident that Zimbabwe will host a successful event,” said Magosi. “The summit will provide a platform for our leaders to discuss and formulate strategies that will drive the region forward.”

The SADC Summit of Heads of State and Government is a pivotal event on the regional calendar, bringing together leaders to deliberate on policies and initiatives that impact the socio-economic landscape of Southern Africa. As Zimbabwe gears up to host this significant gathering, the collaborative efforts between the government and SADC Secretariat are set to ensure a seamless and productive summit.