Mnangagwa appoints G40 members to Zanu PF politburo in political balancing act

December 23, 2022
Zimbabwe President Mnangagwa | Report Focus News
Zimbabwe President Mnangagwa

Zimbabwe’s President Emmerson Mnangagwa has appointed members of the G40 faction, which opposed his ascendancy to the party and national presidency, to the Zanu PF politburo.

The move is seen as an attempt to balance political factions and prevent “bhora musango,” a Shona expression meaning “boot the ball off the field of play,” as Mnangagwa seeks re-election. G40, formerly led by exiled former cabinet ministers Jonathan Moyo, Saviour Kasukuwere, Patrick Zhuwao, and Walter Mzembi, was largely dismantled after Mnangagwa’s military-assisted coup in 2017 that removed former President Robert Mugabe from power.

Webster Shamu, Super Mandiwanzira, and Douglas Mombeshora, politicians with ties to G40, have taken on roles within the Zanu PF policy making committee. Mnangagwa has also retained many members of the Zanu PF old guard, including Obert Mpofu as secretary for administration and Mthuli Ncube as deputy secretary for finance. Sydney Sekeramayi, a former defense minister, was not included in the politburo.