MDC MPs to lose their allowances

October 2, 2019
| Report Focus News

Harare-The Zimbabwean Government is contemplating withdrawal of allowances owed to MDC legislators who walked out on President Emmerson Mnangagwa during the State of the Nation Address (SONA) in parliament Tuesday.

Speaker of Parliament Advocate Jacob Mudenda has revealed

“No allowances for the past five months. I would want to instruct the Finance Minister Mthuli Ncube to withdraw their pay-sheet; no payment for debates of the outstanding balances and for today’s sitting,” said Mudenda

The MDC were defiant in their stance against Mnangagwa who they accuse of rigging the 2018 elections.

Members of the public who spoke to Report Focus News expressed mixed feelings on MDC move to walk out.

“They are wasting tax payers’ money by walking out, what did they achieve in walking out,” says Artwell Museva a vendor “we are suffering and they are busy doing things that benefit them. Our nation is cursed”

Others were of the opinion that the move by MDC signalled that the nation is in a ‘fix’ hence Zanu PF must listen.

“What the MPs did is just a sign things are not well, the leadership must come to their senses if they want the country to prosper. Hopefully they will put aside their ego and come to the negotiating table with everyone,” said Talent Tapfuma a businessman

“I think President Mnangagwa and Zanu PF should just come down if they are sincere with the more than 2 million people who voted Chamisa. At the same time the MDC must swallow their pride and think of the millions of Zimbabweans who are suffering,” says 67 year old Chrispen Maguma of Harare.

Zimbabwe is currently facing economic challenges that the government continues to blame on economic sanctions imposed by the US and her allies.