Donald Trump and Boris Johnson working on ‘very substantial’ post-Brexit trade deal

July 27, 2019
| Report Focus News

Donald Trump has said he and United Kingdom Prime Minister Boris Johnson are already working on a “very substantial” post-Brexit trade deal.

On Friday evening the two world leaders spoke on the telephone and discussed the “unparalleled” trade opportunities offered by Britain’s departure from the European Union.

“We’re working already on a trade agreement,” he told reporters at the White House. “And I think it’ll be a very substantial trade agreement.

“You know we can do with the UK, we can do three to four times, we were actually impeded by their relationship with the European Union. We were very much impeded on trade.

| Report Focus News

“And I think we can do three to four or five times what we’re doing.“We don’t do the kind of trade we could do with what some people say is Great Britain.“And some people, remember a word you don’t hear too much is the word England, which is a piece of it.

“But with the UK we could do much, much more trade and we expect to do that.”

Downing Street said the two leaders had “expressed their commitment to delivering an ambitious free trade agreement”.

There are no details about how this would be achieved.

Mr Johnson and Mr Trump said they would begin formal negotiations “as soon as possible” after the UK leaves the EU.

While the UK is in the EU, it cannot sign its own trade deals. Brexit is due to happen on 31 October.

The leaders also used their Friday night call to discuss tensions with Iran.