Mothlante Commission exposes Zimbabwe’s ruling party

November 21, 2018
| Report Focus News

Harare- The Mothlante Commission into the post-election violence that occurred on August 1 has exposed the ruling party with former Zanu Pf Harare youth Chairperson Jim Kunaka claiming the commission was fake.

Kunaka said this whilst giving evidence before the ongoing Commission.

“It is surprising that Charity Manyeruke is seated among the Commissioners, she is a member of the ruling Zanu PF and holds a post in Mashonaland West, she is actually a Secretary in the province’s women’s league” claimed Kunaka

Kunaka said he would not respond to any questions coming from Professor Charity Manyeruke because they planned together.

“At the same time as I make my contributions, I am going to respond to some questions and will skip others but I will not take any questions from her (Manyeruke) because she was my boss and we would plan together on how to deal with the opposition.

“I know how Zanu PF operates, we were arrested after the August 1 incident for inciting violence but the courts have been playing games so that they will play with my defence after I present it here (the Commission). I will not say a thing because it will be used against me in the courts” said Kunaka

Kunaka went at length to describe how the ruling Zanu PF operates as well as how they operated during the 2008 elections.

“After the 2008 elections we were summoned for a meeting at Zanu PF headquarters, and these meetings would be held at the basement, and in one of the meetings we were told that the country cannot go by pen and paper. This led us to be violent against the opposition and for your own information Zanu PF had no constituency in 2008. I then led a team to beat opposition members and I succeeded in gaining some seats in Harare through violence” he said

He further added that Zanu PF was the only party with militia in the country and they were recruited through the National Youth Service.

“I have no knowledge of any military wing in the opposition, if there is anyone who is claiming that, the person is lying. If there is one then the person has to bring evidence before the commission” claimed Kunaka

Zanu PF is well known for its violence against opposition members and more than 4000 lost their lives since the formation of the MDC in 1999.