Zanu-PF Responds To EU Election Report

October 11, 2018
| Report Focus News

Zimbabwe ruling party Zanu-PF has said that the European Union Election Observer Mission (EU EOM)’s final report which stated that the July 30 harmonised did not meet international standards, was just the opinion of the EU.

Munyaradzi Paul Mangwana Zanu-PF secretary for Legal Affairs said the party was happy with the outcome as SADC and the African Union (AU) had endorsed the election. Said Mangwana.

‘It is their opinion, and it remains so. We are measured by Sadc and AU standards, and we met those standards. The AU and SADC said so. We cannot be measured by standards we know nothing about.’ he said

However, Zanu PF spokesperson Simon Khaya Moyo refused to comment

‘Talk to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs; they can help since these were observers and would have given them the report before publishing it. On behalf of the party, we need to study it, the context as well as why they are saying so.’