Emmerson Mnangagwa offers Donald Trump Victoria Falls Golf Course

September 25, 2018
| Report Focus News

Zimbabwe Emmerson Mnangagwa yesterday disclosed that he dangled an offer of land in the picturesque Victoria Falls to United States President Donald Trump to build a golf course.

Mnangagwa revealed his offer to Donald Trump at Zimbabwe’s Investors Forum held in New York yesterday.

Mnangagwa added Zimbabwe wanted a new era of relations with the US and pursue economic co-operation between the two countries, adding that he had wanted to meet the United States President Trump at the Davos conference held in Switzerland in January.

“When I was in Davos I met staffers from the Trump administration,” Mnangagwa said.

“I had hoped to meet President Trump, but I had to leave before he arrived, but I told his people that if President Trump wishes, I will offer him ground in Victoria Falls in the national park

“We have national wildlife park in Victoria Falls, but I had offered President Trump ground to build a state-of-the-art golf course so that as he plays, he can be able to see the big five,” he said amid cheers from delegates.

The President said his government was keen for investments in the form of joint ventures or infrastructure based on the build operate and transfer (BOT) model.

“My government is reforming the public sector to eliminate bureaucratic red tape, bureaucratic bottlenecks and enhance efficiency and responsiveness. We are resolved to make Zimbabwe an attractive and a safe investment destination where capital feels safe.

Also, I have committed that my administration will ensure policy clarity, consistency, transparency and predictability.”