MISA loses Constitutional Court live streaming challenge

August 21, 2018
| Report Focus News

Chief Justice Luke Malaba has dismissed on a legal practitioner and client scale the urgent chamber application lodged by the Media Institute of Southern Africa and a journalist challenging the granting of sole broadcasting rights of the presidential petition challenge.

ZBC was on Saturday granted the right to live broadcast and distribute content on the Constitutional Court proceedings starting on Wednesday, in which MDC Alliance leader, Nelson Chamisa is challenging the results of the July 30 harmonised elections as declared by ZEC.

After the granting of the licence to ZBC, MISA jumped to request for a licence to livestreem the court proceedings but the application was turned down.

Emerging from today’s hearing, MISA legal representative, Ms Beatrice Mtetwa said the Chief Justice ruled that the application was without merit as MISA is not a licensed broadcaster hence it could not make such an application