LIVE : MDC Alliance Manifesto Launch

June 7, 2018
| Report Focus News

1137: Honurable Tapiwa Mashakada is now on the podium to present the alliance’s Trade and Investment Plan. Speaks about enhancing trade agreements with Britain so as to increase exports.

1135: Legislator Mr James Maridadi is the Director of Ceremonies

1122: Mr Biti says another agenda is to create jobs through expanding the services industry, formalising the informal economy, and other various strategies.

1120: Mr Biti speaks about the alliance’s agenda of a US$100 billion economy once they win the harmonised elections slated for 30 July.  Says when Mr Chamisa takes over government by 2023 the Zimbabwean economy will rise to US$46, 2 billion

1115: The programme has kicked off and one of the alliance leaders Mr Tendai Biti is making a presentation on the economic strategies to be implemented by the alliance once they assume power.

| Report Focus News

| Report Focus News

The MDC Alliance is launch its manifesto at Jubilee Centre in Milton Park Harare. We give you live updates from there.