Emmerson Mnangagwa, Chamisa clash in Masvingo

June 7, 2018
MDC T President Nelson Chamisa and Emmerson Mnangagwa | Report Focus News
MDC-T President Nelson Chamisa and Emmerson Mnangagwa

MASVINGO will be the centre of attention at the weekend as both Zanu-PF presidential candidate and his MDC Alliance rival Nelson Chamisa (left) take their campaigns to the province as the election date draws closer.

Chamisa will have star rallies in Masvingo, starting at Mhandamabwe business centre in Chivi today, before going to Muchakata business centre in Masvingo rural tomorrow and Rutenga business centre in Mwenezi on Saturday before wrapping up his programme in Chiredzi on Sunday.

MDC-T Masvingo provincial chairperson, James Gumbi, confirmed the rallies and said it was all systems go for the campaign trail.

“Our president will be in Masvingo and we are making final preparations for the star rallies. We urge people to come in their numbers and show Zanu-PF that we have the crowds,” he said.

On the other hand, President Emmerson Mnangagwa (right) will also be in Masvingo tomorrow where he will tour the defunct Cold Storage Company premises as well as the closed asbestos mining company, Shabanie-Mashaba Mines in Mashava. The Zanu-PF leader is expected to address a rally at Mamutse Stadium in Mucheke high-density suburb on the same day.

Although Zanu-PF provincial chairperson, Ezra Chadzamira was not picking up calls yesterday, party insiders confirmed Mnangagwa’s visit and said they hoped they will not be distracted by the Chamisa “side-show” in terms of crowds.

“It will be a show of power and numbers and the rally by Chamisa will not distract our supporters to make a statement to the MDC-T,” said a senior Zanu-PF provincial executive who declined to be named.

Both Mnangagwa and Chamisa consider Masvingo as their strongholds.

Chamisa hails from Gutu district, while Mnangagwa also considers Masvingo as one of his main support bases by virtue of being of the Karanga tribe, although his rural home is in Zvishavane, Midlands province.
