I wanted Sekeramayi to be president not Grace Mugabe says Jonathan Moyo

June 4, 2018
| Report Focus News

Jonathan Moyo, one of the staunchest critics of President Emmerson Mnangagwa, today said he wanted former Defence Minister Sydney Sekeramayi to be president and not Grace Mugabe as widely believed.

Responding to a tweet by one of Zimbabwe’s leading publishers, Trevor Ncube, Moyo said: “Regarding my position, the assertion is a convenient myth told ad infinitum in & by some quarters when in fact it is a falsehood. For the avoidance of doubt, I wanted Sydney Sekeremayi & said so in public; most notably in a widely publicised lecture at #SapesTrust on 1 June 2017.”

Ncube, who said he was a close friend of both Moyo and his colleague in the G40 cabal Saviour Kasukuwere, had tweeted: “For avoidance of doubt @Hon_Kasukuwere , @ProfJNMoyo and l come a long way. Would still love to have a drink with them and ask: so what happened to you two? You wanted Grace Mugabe to be our President etc…”

Moyo has been urging a grand coalition to kick Mnangagwa and his military junta out of power at the coming elections.

He has now launched a campaign to kick Mnangagwa out called #KWEKWEHIMJULY30.

Moyo argues that if a united Kwekwe did it not once but twice to vote Mnangagwa out in 2000 and in 2005 with Blessing Chebundo, Zimbabwe can also unite as one grand national union and do a big Kwekwe on Mnangagwa with Nelson Chamisa.

Chamisa has been battling to unite the opposition parties in the country but has not been able to expand the current Alliance from the seven left by Morgan Tsvangirai though there have been reports that he has invited Dumiso Dabengwa and Joice Mujuru to join him.

Time is running out though as there are only 11 days to go before the Nomination Court sits to register candidates for the elections set for 30 July.

There have also been reports of bitter fights within the seven party coalition with Chamisa’s party seeking to exceed its 114 seat quota arguing that the Alliance must field the best candidate in the area.

None of the six Alliance parties have won any seats in an election but the MDC-T alone beat ZANU-PF in 2008.

This was one of the reasons why Thokozani Khupe, who was MDC-T vice-president until Tsvangirai’s death in February, was against the Alliance because she felt Tsvangirai was accommodating party leaders who had no followers at all.