Grace Mugabe becomes centre of mockery in hyped theatrical play

March 24, 2018
| Report Focus News
Zimbabwean First Lady Grace Mugabe reacts as her picture is taken during a voter registeration excercise at State House in Harare, Thursday, September, 14, 2017. Mugabe proclaimed the voter registration excercise to start as the country prepares for Presidential elections set for 2018( AP Photo/Tsvangirayi Mukwazhi)

Harare – A “thrilling” theatrical play about Grace Mugabe’s role in her husband’s shocking departure last year has reportedly made waves in Zimbabwe and President Emmerson Mnangagwa appears to have given it the nod.

According to The Standard newspaper, the play, which is titled “Operation Restore Regasi” takes a comical look at the events that led to ex-president Robert Mugabe’s resignation in November last year.

It was written and directed by National Arts Merits Awards-nominated director Charles Munganasa, and is expected to be shown at Theatre in the Park in Harare on March 28 to 30.

Munganasa himself is the man, who last year was accused of leading the jeering of Grace Mugabe in Bulawayo. He plays the part of the then military chief Constantino Chiwenga, who now is one of the country’s two deputy presidents.

Grace remains thecentre of mockery in hyped theatrical play.

New says that Grace is depicted in the play as “having no self-control, suffering from severe emotional instability, causing her to cry herself unconscious when she realises that power has suddenly shifted away from the family’s hands at a time it seemed like she had it all under control”.

Watch the scenes from the play below.

Although political plays were not favoured by the ruling Zanu-PF party in the past, the “new dispensation” seems to have a different view.

Munganasa said that Mnangagwa asked to see snippets of the play a few days ago before it premieres next week and would likely be attending the show.

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“The president, through an individual who approached us, asked for a snippet video of this play two days ago and although we have not gotten a response, he could be joining us,” Munganasa was quoted as saying.