The Zanu PF youths league condemn violence

February 23, 2018
| Report Focus News

The Zanu PF Youth League has condemned the violence that occurred in Harare Thursday (yesterday) night, which left two civilians dead and four injured.

Zanu PF Secretary for Youth Affairs Cde Pupurayi Togarepi has implored police to get to the root cause of the matter and bring the culprits that fuelled the situation, to book.

Cde Togarepi said some people who were at the scene of the incident said the way events unfolded showed the commotion was organised by a cartel sponsored by a certain political party which took advantage of the situation.

It is said the people who went on a rampage destroying public and private property were chanting slogans and singing political songs.

“The loss of life in the incident is regrettable and behaviour by the culprits is against the call for non-violence which is being preached by President Emmerson Mnangagwa,” said Cde Togarepi.

The youth leader noted Zimbabwe is a peace loving nation and all political parties must embrace the call for peace by the President.